


Data Controller: UFI FILTERS Spa
Personal Data and Browsing Data

Cookie Policy

In order to make your visit to our website as convenient as possible, we use cookies to present our product range. These are small aggregates of text saved locally in the temporary memory of your browser, and therefore on your computer, for periods of time varying according to the need and generally between a few hours and a few years, with the exception of profiling cookies whose maximum duration is 365 calendar days.

Through cookies it is possible save information about your preferences and other technical data in a semi-permanent manner for easier browsing and greater ease of use and effectiveness of the website itself. For example, cookies can be used to determine if a connection has already been made between your computer and our websites to highlight the news or keep the login information. For your safeguard, only the cookie stored on your computer is identified.

In order to make your visit to our website as convenient as possible, we use cookies for the presentation of our product range and, occasionally, certain analysis tools on the use of our web pages aimed at improving their usability. Cookies are small aggregates of text saved locally in the temporary memory of your browser, and therefore on your computer, for periods of time varying according to the need and generally between a few hours and a few years, with the exception of profiling cookies whose maximum duration is 365 calendar days. Usability analysis tools consist of small software programs (scripts) temporarily activated in certain of the pages of our websites, which intercept in a completely anonymous manner a set of interaction events with the contents (for example the click, the path of the mouse, the time spent by the mouse in a certain position). At the end of the collection activities, this information is aggregated and analysed to understand how to improve the page or service structure. UFI FILTERS SPA does not collect the content of the fields you may have completed during one of these sessions or any other information of a personal nature, but only information of a technical and operational nature. The activation of these scripts is subject to acceptance of the cookie policy, being similar to the latter in terms of type of data collected and mode of operation.

Through cookies it is possible save information about your preferences and other technical data in a semi-permanent manner for easier browsing and greater ease of use and effectiveness of the website itself. For example, cookies can be used to determine if a connection has already been made between your computer and our websites to highlight the news or keep the login information. For your safeguard, only the cookie stored on your computer is identified.

In addition to cookies, we use scripts with similar purposes.


This website or product can make use of two different types of cookies:

1. Essential technical cookies

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. They allow browsing of the pages, sharing of our content, storing of your login credentials to speed up access to the website and to keep your preferences and credentials active while browsing. Without these cookies we would not be able to provide the services for which users access the website.

This category includes cookies essential for the operation of the website or product, such as technical cookies for access to the website or for communication between the parts and the services that comprise it.

2. Essential technical cookies for statistics and performance analysis

These cookies allow us to know how visitors use the website, so as to be able to evaluate and improve its functioning and give priority to the production of content that best meets the information needs of our users. For example, they provide information on which pages are the most and least popular. Among other things, they take into account the number of visitors, the average time spent on the website by users and how they got there. In this way, we can know what works well and what needs to be improved, as well as ensure that the pages load quickly and are displayed correctly. All the information collected by these cookies is anonymous and not linked to the user’s personal data. To perform these functions on our websites we use the services of third parties that anonymise the data making it not attributable to any particular individual (so-called “single-in”). Where there are services that are not completely anonymised, you will find them listed among the third-party cookies for which you can withhold consent, in order to safeguard your privacy.

Appropriately anonymised analytical cookies belong to this category. In particular, this website uses the following products:

–              Google Analytics for access and traffic statistics for internal INFORMATION purposes


Should you have doubts or concerns about the use of cookies you can always intervene to prevent their setting and reading, for example by changing the privacy settings in your browser in order to block certain types of them or using the refuse buttons that UFI FILTERS SPA makes available to you in this policy.

Since each browser – and often different versions of the same browser – also differ significantly from each other, if you prefer to act independently using your browser’s preferences, you can find detailed information on the procedure required in the user guide of your browser. For an overview of the procedures for the most common browsers, you can visit

Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads, if desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies, but interrupts the use and collection of certain data by these companies.

For further information and opt-out options, please visit



Continuing to browse this website, by closing the policy band or by clicking on any part of the page or scrolling to highlight further content, you clearly and explicitly accept the UFI FILTERS SPA Cookie Policy and the cookies for which refusal has not been declared will be set. In the event of not accepting cookies by abandoning browsing, any cookies already saved locally in your browser will remain saved there but will no longer be read or used by UFI FILTERS SPA until any subsequent acceptance of the Policy. You will always have the possibility to remove these cookies at any time through the procedures referred to in the websites mentioned in the “Cookie Management” paragraph or through the website for those not controlled by UFI FILTERS SPA.


Cookies managed by UFI FILTERS SPA have a maximum duration of 365 days, except for voluntary renewals made by you by reiterating your consent.

Profiling cookies managed by UFI FILTERS SPA are anonymous and remain within the statistical systems and profiling platforms for exclusively statistical purposes, even if they can no longer be traced back to your browser.

Cookies managed by third parties have the durations indicated in their respective Cookie Policies.


You can exercise your right to fully object to the use of cookies by abandoning this website and thus also refusing the use of essential technical cookies necessary for its functioning.

If, on the other hand, you wish to refuse the use of one or more non-essential cookies, you may refuse the consent for cookies managed by UFI FILTERS SPA or its partners directly from this Policy with the “refuse” buttons shown next to the name of the cookie or of its supplier.

Any request for information or clarification or exercise of rights can be addressed to the Data Controller at the following address:


46047 Porto Mantovano (MN) – Italy – Via Europa, 26
Tel. +39 0456339911 – +39 0376 386811

– or by sending an email to:

This Privacy Policy is updated as at 25/05/2018